Max Lukonin


cool web dev and server stuff

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My incredible Rick-Rolling scheme

My incredible Rick-Rolling scheme

10/24/2024, 10:59 AM

and why people don't trust me...

How not to steal content

How not to steal content

8/2/2024, 9:38 PM

My stance on writing with AI...

How I study for exams

How I study for exams

7/8/2024, 4:37 PM

(and also some useful information)...

What makes a website actually good

What makes a website actually good

3/21/2024, 10:00 AM

Other than design, of course...

Why free software makes you poor

Why free software makes you poor

3/21/2024, 9:29 AM

That's the reason I don't trust oracle...

Dependency inversion is the best thing I've ever heard of

Dependency inversion is the best thing I've ever heard of

2/16/2024, 12:17 PM

thank you for teaching me this...

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